module.exports = class Element extends require 'ecl/dist/evented'
module.exports = class Element extends require 'ecl/dist/evented'
constructor: ->
Copy the element origin if it was set from named arguments
if @origin then @origin = x:(@origin.x or 0), y:(@origin.y or 0)
Register validating listeners for each type from the list.
for type in ['mousemove', 'mousedown', 'mouseup']
Localize the type variable.
do (type) =>
Add capturing listener which will cancel and stop the event if the event type is not enabled.
@addListener type:type, capture:yes, listener: (event) ->
event.cancel().stop() unless @events?[type]
Add normal listener which will cancel and stop the event if the event type is not enabled.
@addListener type:type, capture:no, listener: (event) ->
event.cancel().stop() unless @events?[type]
Register extendable listeners for each type from the list.
for type in ['mousemove', 'mousedown', 'mouseup']
Add capturing extendable listener
@addListener type, this["#{type}CaptureListener"], yes
Add normal extendable listener
@addListener type, this["#{type}Listener"], no
Helper method, to localize event coordinates.
localizeEventCoordinates: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
If event already has localized x, use it instead of absolute x
x = (if event.localX? then event.localX else event.x)
event.localX = x - (@origin?.x or 0)
If event already has localized y, use it instead of absolute y
y = (if event.localY? then event.localY else event.y)
event.localY = y - (@origin?.y or 0)
return this
mousemoveCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Store the event in the runtime for later and localize event coordinates
@___runtime.mousemoveEvent = event
@localizeEventCoordinates event
return this
mousedownCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Store the event in the runtime for later and localize event coordinates
@___runtime.mousedownEvent = event
@localizeEventCoordinates event
return this
mouseupCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Store the event in the runtime for later and localize event coordinates
@___runtime.mouseupEvent = event
@localizeEventCoordinates event
return this
mousemoveListener: -> this
mousedownListener: -> this
mouseupListener: -> this