Event = require './event'
module.exports = class Evented extends require './node'
Event = require './event'
module.exports = class Evented extends require './node'
constructor: ->
@listeners = [{}, {}]
Add a listener (capturing/normal) for the event type. Will not add duplicates.
Will not add listeners if event is not enabled.
addListener: (type, listener, capture = false) ->
Treat the type as named arguments if the object was passed
if typeof type is 'object' then {type, listener, capture} = type
If event type is enabled and listener is a function
if @events?[type] and typeof listener is 'function'
get the listeners for this type and phase or initialize them if they does not exist
listeners = (@listeners[if capture then 1 else 0]?[type] or= [])
add the listener to listeners if it isnt already there
listeners.push listener if -1 is listeners.indexOf listener
return this
Remove the listener (capturing/normal) for the event type.
removeListener: (type, listener, capture = false) ->
Treat the type as named arguments if the object was passed
if type instanceof Object then {type, listener, capture} = type
Get the listeners for the event type and phase and remove the listener if it exists.
if type and typeof listener is 'function'
if listeners = @listeners[if capture then 1 else 0]?[type]
if -1 isnt idx = listeners.indexOf listener
listeners.splice idx, 1
return this
dispatchEvent: (event) ->
Make sure event can be dispatched
unless event?.aborted or event?.canceled
Find out the event type and if it is enabled
if (type = event?.type) and @events[type]
phase = event.phase
Check if the phase allows dispatching and get the event listeners for event type and phase
if (3 > phase > 0) and listeners = @listeners?[2-phase][type]
Dispatch the event to every listener. If inside some listener event gets canceled or aborted the dispatching will stop at that listener.
for listener in listeners
break if event.___runtime?.canceled or event.aborted
listener.call this, event
return this
Process the event, dispatch it to listeners and broadcast to children.
broadcastEvent: (event, target) ->
No action will be taken if event has no type. This method will initialize fresh events.
Only broadcast events that have a type. Event source will be set to this instance if event has no source. Event target can be changed by providing it as second argument to broadcast.
if (type = event?.type) and (event.phase or 0) < 3
unless event.aborted or event.___runtime.stopped
event.___runtime.source or= this
phase = (event.phase or= 1)
If event target is this instance, it means event has reached it’s destination. Event phase is changed to AT_TARGET (2)
if event.target is this then event.phase = 2
If event phase is CAPTURING (1), the event will be dispatched to this instance and broadcasted to the children. The broadcast to children might be interrupted if event gets canceled or aborted
if event.phase is 1
@dispatchEvent event
if @children then for child in @children
unless event.aborted or event.___runtime.canceled
child.broadcastEvent event
else break
After dispatching was finished, it may be possible that the event target was changed. If the event target is this instance, the event phase will be set to AT_TARGET and the event will be dispatched again.
if event.target is this then event.phase = 2
if event.phase is 2 then @dispatchEvent event
At this point the event has finished it’s lifecycle. If event.source is this instance, then the event callback will be called.
if event.___runtime.source is this and event.phase < 4
event.callback?.call? this, event
event.phase = 4
return this