module.exports = class Shape extends require './element'
module.exports = class Shape extends require './element'
constructor: ->
Copy the element regions if they were set from named arguments
if regions = @regions
@regions = {}
@regions[name] = region for name, region of regions
draw: -> this
Helper method, to get element regions that match the event.
getEventRegions: (event) ->
result = null
Proceed only if event coordinates are localized
if event and (x = event.localX)? and (y = event.localY)?
Walk through the element regions
for name, $ of @regions
and add the region to the result if event localized coordinates are within the region rectangle.
if $[0] <= x <= ($[0] + $[2]) and $[1] <= y <= ($[1] + $[3])
Initialize result only if at least one region matches
result or= {}
result[name] = $
return result
Capture mousemove events passing through this shape
mousemoveCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Check if there are any regions that match the event, store them in the event and set this shape as event target = this if event.regions = @getEventRegions event
return this
mousedownCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Check if there are any regions that match the event, store them in the event and set this shape as event target = this if event.regions = @getEventRegions event
return this
mouseupCaptureListener: (event) ->
Proceed only for valid event
if event
Check if there are any regions that match the event, store them in the event and set this shape as event target = this if event.regions = @getEventRegions event
return this